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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Jukka's new band is about to release their first single on January 17. Here's Jukka teasing one of the songs: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/66SFbB7s254 Also some news on the Wintersun front: “The day finally came: TIME II is done!! Couldn’t be happier!” - Jukka "I thought this day would never arrive and when Jari sent me a message that TIME II was ready I still couldn’t understand that we were finally done after all the obstacles and challenges. I am more than happy now. Cheers!" - Kai https://www.facebook.com/wintersun/posts/pfbid02vjvdprbGfDbGfLTxEMgQYhSi2NMoe4LDqyQVjPQx8wMVTxGG25zR9YEv79gd8eV8l
  2. My favourite kind of review: the old-era Nightwish fan who listens for the first time to Floor singing GLS. It never gets old! This one is 53 (!) minutes long, but very enjoyable. David K Reacts - GLS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87Xo3Bg4uX4
  3. The excitement is building! 😁 Give us an album name already guys!
  4. I have been updating this thread, now that it's pretty clear that there will be no official DVD-BR release from the Human Nature tour. What would be the best available live recording of "Our Decades In The Sun" and "Shoemaker" ? Have there been any TV footage of the 2023 shows? These songs haven't been performed during previous tours are aren't on any DVD. Same question for "Noise", "Harvest" and "How's The Heart"... These are available from the Virtual Live Show, but is there a good live-live recording available?
  5. Interview with Tuomas at Paris, Le Zénith, on Tuesday March 24th, 2009. From the archived copy of the Nightwish France website. Some nice tidbits from the Anette era. https://web.archive.org/web/20090329191004/http://www.nightwish-world.com/website/html/interviewparis2009.php Elise: With the hindsight, how did you like the first shows of this leg of the tour? [2009 European tour] Tuomas: Really good, really, really good. This tour has been the most relaxing and easiest in many ways. London was a blast; every single show of this tour has been really good. Mainly because we had a long break so everybody got a chance to build up their energy levels back to a normal state, and also we have a new set up onstage, some new songs and now we have Troy with us so it’s something really special for us as well. Nicolas : So no pressure ? Tuomas : Pressure? Not anymore, no. A little excitement before every show of course but, you know, the fear of dying has passed. Nicolas : About the new songs, can you tell us why you chose these? Was it a popular demand or your own choice ? Tuomas : It was our own choice. Actually, Romanticide is Anette’s favorite and that was her request, she wanted to do that and we said “ok, we’ll give it a shot”. Ghost Love Score was my personal favorite but she had prejudices about that song, she was scared because it’s so Tarja-related, but she’s doing it really well. And then, Escapist was a common decision, we all like that song and wanted to play it live. It didn’t fit the album but it’s a nice treat. And Dead Boy’s Poem is just for good old times’ sake. And the new intro it was an obvious thing because Troy Donockley has this song on his solo album, he has recorded Finlandia. Finlandia is almost a national anthem of Finland. It’s composed by John Sibelius, he’s our most well-known classical composer and it’s a song that everybody knows in Finland, it’s like a national anthem for us. Nicolas : Why don’t you want to play the end of Dead Boy’s Poem ? Tuomas : I never liked the ending, I don’t know why. That’s the only reason. I think it just works fine like that, and we extended the guitar solo. It’s just an arrangement that we all like. Guillaume : Paris is the only city where you play two times in a row. Why Paris ? Tuomas : Because of the popular demand, I guess. Yesterday’s show was sold out pretty quick so they wanted to have another day, that’s fine by me. If people want to come and see us we’re just flattered. Nicolas : In an interview, you said you had plans with some side projects, can you tell us more about them ? Tuomas : “Side Project” maybe is a bad term. I’ve been doing a couple of songs for some other artists in Finland, then I have this little movie project going on, this kind of stuff but they told me not to talk about them so I have to keep my word. But there are some little things going on beside Nightwish all the time as well. But nothing that big, I wouldn’t call them “side projects”. And also, I’ve been working with Indica for the past half a year: we’ve just finished the English album about a month ago and that has taken a lot of my time, but it’s a fun thing to do. Elise : You rearranged Vuorien Taa but did you rearrange other songs as well ? Tuomas : Yeah we took the old songs and rewrote them a little bit. Some songs changed quite a bit, some songs didn’t change at all. And for 4 songs on the album, we went to London, we used the same orchestra as we used for Nightwish, The London Session Orchestra and Pip Williams did the arrangements for the girls as well. And there’s the same choir and Troy is playing some pipes in one of the songs. Elise : Were there some songs that you rehearsed with Anette that didn’t make it to the shows ? Tuomas : Actually no. At some point we tried Elvenpath but it just didn’t work, for some reason I don’t know, but that’s the only one. And there are some songs that we totally dropped out like we’re never going to play Bye Bye Beautiful again, that’s for sure. Because it feels so corny, because of the lyrical content of that song and we’ve played that song again and again so it’s dead and buried. Elise : Is there any chance that you’ll play Erämaan Viimeinen with Jonsuu ? Tuomas : Yeah there were some talks about that but I don’t know, we’ll see. There’s a possibility and actually she told us that she would like to do it. Elise : What about tonight ? Tuomas : No, we have never rehearsed it, we have never ever played it together so it would take a lot of practice but maybe. But it works so nicely with Troy as well, so… Nicolas : And Anette doesn’t want to sing Follow Me with Pain ? Tuomas : I don’t know, maybe she will at some point. Nicolas : Will Troy be there for the whole tour ? Tuomas : Yes, for the whole European Tour. Nicolas : Crimson Tide is over ? Tuomas : Yes Crimson Tide is over for now. Nicolas : Why did you choose to play it again because you used it for the Wishmastour initially ? Tuomas : Well this tour is called “European Déjà Vu Tour”, that’s why. That’s why we brought back Dead Boy’s Poem and the old stuff, and I still think it’s the best intro we ever had. Guillaume : Did you choose to be the one in the boat, as the captain of the band ? Tuomas : It was actually our pyro technician’s idea: “we need to put you into a boat”. And the whole idea of the nautical, the ocean theme, came from him: “let’s put an anchor, a boat and some rocks” but it was not my idea to be in a boat in the first place. I enjoy being there because I can always hide, when I go down, nobody sees me and I can drink my wine. Elise : You didn’t play the “The Piano” theme last night, and even on Made In Hong Kong, is it a copyright issue ? Tuomas : No, it’s not, it’s just because now we have Troy here and it’s his solo part. When Troy is not there I always play it. ------ Some other questions... -------- Nicolas : What are the first things that come to your mind when you hear the word “France” ? Tuomas : Disneyland Paris, wine, this hat that people wear…beret! Baguette, Thierry Henry, World Cup champions of 2004 or 2000… oh 98 yes. And Asterix, I love it, I have every album! And I’ve never been to the amusement park but I’ve heard of it. And also I have to mention quite rude waiters in restaurants ; maybe it’s a cultural thing ! Elise : Do you know any French artists ? Tuomas : Mylène Farmer. I have a DVD, it’s one of the best DVDs I’ve ever seen. I’m not so much into the music but the whole set up and everything is “waow”. Guillaume : What bands or albums have you been listening to lately ? Tuomas : A lot of Indica, through the past year because of this producing thing, I really try to go into the songs. Also, a lot of soundtracks, a lot of James Newton Howard lately. The new Delain is really good, I just got the CD a few days ago when I met the guys in Rotterdam. So that have been the albums that I’ve been listening to the most during the past weeks. Guillaume : What’s the last concert you’ve been to as a member of the audience ? Tuomas : I went to see Sabaton in Helsinki, I loved it. It’s like really traditional Swedish power metal, with a good attitude and a big smile on their faces, a wonderful band! And I will see AC/DC in June in Helsinki, that’s going to be a blast. Elise : What’s the last book you’ve read ? Tuomas : Insomnia by Stephen King. It had been the only book by him I had not read. I read it all. And I think that’s probably the worst Stephen King I’ve read. It was still ok but to his standards it wasn’t that good. Elise : What’s the last piece of news that surprised you in any way ? Tuomas : Well this morning I was in the headline in the Finnish tabloids again. The headline was like: “I have a bad self-esteem and I’m the most unsexy person in the world” (laughter) They sure know how to put on those titles. Elise : Do you react to that, write to the paper ? Tuomas : No, never. It’s no use. Nicolas : What’s your favorite expression or phrase, something you’ve been saying a lot lately ? Tuomas : [Something Finnish]: “I don’t fucking care”. But that don’t mean that I don’t care, it’s just a phrase that we use, for example “what’s your opinion about this?” “[Finnish phrase]”. Nicolas : If you could be anyone in the world for one day, who would it be ? Tuomas : (long pause) I’d like to be the Beast, from Beauty and the Beast, because Belle is my all time favorite character in my little day-dream so I wouldn’t mind changing places with the Beast for one day. ------ About the others members of the band ------- Elise : What are their strengths onstage ? Tuomas : Emppu’s always happy. I don’t know how he does it but he’s always happy. Even if he has a bad day he gets a smile and gives energy to the others. Anette is a perfectionist; she really really gives her everything and never leaves anything half-way so she’s really strict about her physical condition. I would say the same for Jukka,he’s always like that, he always has the energy. And Marco is a natural phenomenon because even though he’s sick, he has a hangover or he feels bad for some reason, he always puts it up perfectly. I don’t know how the hell he does it. I’ve never heard him sing a wrong note no matter how bad of a day he has. Elise : What are their strengths offstage ? Tuomas : Just the best of friends, all of them. Nicolas : What are their favorite phrases ? Tuomas : A lot of Finnish and Swedish swearing and “what time should we open the bottle tonight?” which is agreed on 8:30 pm for tonight. Guillaume : If you were in their shoes for a day, what would you do ? Tuomas : I think that would be a really good chance to really see how they feel about being in this band, and how they feel about me as the band leader so I would really check their inner thoughts to find out because I honestly don’t know. Guillaume : Would you like to play their instruments ? Tuomas : No… I love my piano and my keyboard. I leave the playing to those who actually can play their instruments. Nicolas : No singing ? 😃 Tuomas : No ! (Laughter) Not ever. Actually I sang two lines on the new English Indica album, I sang background “oohhh”. You can actually hear it, it’s so loud on the album. But I don’t like to sing, I just don’t enjoy the idea of singing, that’s the problem. Elise : What are their best feature and biggest flaw ? Tuomas : For Anette I would say her perfectionism is a virtue as well as a flaw; she’s sometimes really annoying because everything needs to be perfect. Jukka is the hard worker of the band, he keeps this whole organization together, the financial stuff, which I could never ever do. His biggest flaw is that he’s also really strict and perfectionist. Sometimes it’s hard with him about that sort of stuff because he’s so “this thing needs to be done like this, that’s all”. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s a flaw. Marco is the most loyal person in the world and a really sensitive guy so if I need somebody to talk to in the band, it would be him, he’s the first choice. He has a big shoulder you can lean on. And his flaws…I don’t know. He’s getting old, I don’t know if he can take this for many more years (laughter). (In the microphone) I’m sorry, that was a joke! And Emppu: he’s like Marco, he’s the friend you need. He’s always the one who asks “are you okay? Everything’s okay ? You want to talk about something ?” so he’s really empathetic. But he’s also probably the most absent minded person I know. If we don’t practice some songs for a week he forgets them and he can’t remember what he has said the day before, he can tell the same joke again and again so he’s really absent minded, but in a cute way. Elise : What about you? What are your flaws and best features ? Tuomas : Erf, you need to ask somebody else ! I think I’m kind, I try to be good to people and I’m also creative, and empathetic. But I’m also really impatient: I want everything right here and right now, I can’t wait. And I’m also quite selfish for some things.
  6. The only official mention I can find of a "Summer Of Wilderness tour" is in the end credits of the End Of Innocence documentary (2003) where it is suggested that it includes both the Finnish and the European legs of the tour. Of course the European leg of the 1999 tour happened in November and December, so that can't really be part of a Summer tour. Is this a bit of retcon by the band or the DVD editors? Setlist.fm includes everything from January 1999 to August 1999 as part of the Summer Of Wilderness tour, and that can't be quite right either. The Nightwish biography (Mape Ollila, 2007) has no mention of a "Summer Of Wilderness" but does describe the Summer tour in Finland and mentions 30 gigs, which may be an approximate figure because it doesn't add up with another quote saying that the tour began in May -- which would be more sensible for a Summer tour. Elsewhere in the book the whole tour is simply called Oceanborn tour. My conclusion is... we don't really know, but in May 1999 Nightwish started to play every week-end so that looks to me like the start of an organised Summer tour.
  7. I forgot to mention it, but over the holidays I did listen to some of Tarja's new Christmas songs from the Dark Christmas album. I'm not a big fan of Christmas songs in general, and this isn't Tarja's first Christmas album, but this one is something special -- for better or for worse. IMO I don't think the actually has much appeal to Christmas song lovers, because the songs are twisted and super creepy, with sad children chorals and minor chord arrangements. But yeah, if you're looking for a change of pace in your next year's Christmas soundtrack, this is for you!
  8. For the information, a lot (all?) of After Forever videos have been newly uploaded to Floor's YouTube channel. They were all probably available elsewhere but it's nice to have them all in an official channel. https://www.youtube.com/@FloorJansenOfficial/videos
  9. True, thanks for pointing this out! I have added this one to the poll above. Maybe this is what inspired the band to return to a pipe intro (Swanheart) for the Decades tour?
  10. Back in the Spring of 2023 the band mentioned 3 videos planned for this album, since then was there any mention of them shooting anything? I may have missed it. They might have be waiting for Floor to become available, or simply going AI like Within Temptation! 😁 (just kidding of course, I don't expect NW to embrace AI in any significant way)
  11. Thanks tafnwin, you have a great collection of bootlegs on display on your site! 👍
  12. Another solo show for Floor in 2024, this time in Eindhover, NL: NEW HEADLINE SHOW!! After ending 2023 with a blast in AFAS Live, I am more than eager to continue 2024 with shows Bridge Guitar Festival & Royal Park Live are going to be amazing! Tickets are available now! Saturday June 1 - Bridge Guitar Festival - HEADLINE SHOW Thursday July 4 - Royal Park Live - HEADLINE SHOW (MOVED FROM 2023)
  13. A quick mention here, one of Tuomas' former bands, For My Pain is regrouping for live shows and also new music in 2024. Tuomas in not involved this time however. The band had been inactive for almost 20 years! https://tuonelamagazine.com/finnish-gothic-metal-supergroup-for-my-pain-reunite-after-20-years/
  14. What would be you favourite album released in 2023? It can be any style-genre... And I'm not judging, it's just for the sake of discussion because taste is a very personal thing! Here are a few of my candidates: Delain - Dark Waters: Perhaps a polarizing shift for the band with the dramatic line-up change, but all-in-all a well-managed transition in my opinion. It's an album I listen to a lot, and I'm looking forward to more material from this band and is possible another North American tour in 2024. Within Temptation - Bleed Out: I have yet to order the album, but I have listened to some of the 'new' songs. Some of the material is already a few years old, but I think it's a strong album and I quite like the direction the band is taking, even though it may not be popular with old-time fans. Xandria - The Wonders Still Awaiting: I have this one (quite surprised it would be available in brick-and-mortar stores here) though I still need to listen to it properly, but I like the singles so far. Not sure how it compares to older material, it's not a group I know a lot about. Floor Jansen - Paragon: not metal, but relevant to this forum. I can't say I listen to those songs very often, and I hope for a more daring second album, hopefully with Floor composing and writing more of the songs? Also, check out Metal Hammer's metal album of the year fan poll: https://www.loudersound.com/features/fan-voted-best-metal-albums-of-2023. Delain is #18 and WT is #3.
  15. I kind of expect some announcement during the holidays, perhaps a release date or an album title? For the last two album cycles, this would be the time when the buzz would begin, culminating with a single release around February.
  16. Christmas surprise! Nightwish have just released a live recording of 'Tribal'. A pro shot is always welcome given that no DVD is planned for this tour. The images have been shot over a number of performances, so I'm not sure where the audio is from.
  17. With no NW live shows in the predictable future, it's no surprise that Jukka is getting involved in other bands. NIGHTWISH, CHILDREN OF BODOM And WINTERSUN Members Join Forces In CROWNSHIFT December 5, 2023 https://blabbermouth.net/news/nightwish-children-of-bodom-and-wintersun-members-join-forces-in-crownshift Nuclear Blast Records has announced the signing of the new Finnish metal band CROWNSHIFT. Born as the longtime idea of four friends, CROWNSHIFT's members come from the ranks of Finland's finest exports such as NIGHTWISH, CHILDREN OF BODOM, WINTERSUN and FINNTROLL, are thrilled to start a new journey together and spread their authentic sonic print across the globe. Seamlessly covering a diversity of styles, the quartet has a unique signature to their modern sound. Hypnotizing melodies paired with ripping riffs, from moody mid-tempo songs to fierce prog-death-metal opuses, CROWNSHIFT was born to be master of all trades. Their forthcoming debut album will undoubtedly be a showcase of relentless ambition that will take you through a wide musical spectrum, with no compromises or boundaries, proving that the band are on a quest to put a striking mark on the map. CROWNSHIFT's first single and music video will be released on January 17. CROWNSHIFT commented: "We're super happy to start this new chapter in our career with Nuclear Blast. Their history, reputation and devotion as a metal label is incomparable and it is a privilege to embark on this exciting journey together." Nuclear Blast Records added: "It's a pleasure to start working with this highly talented group of musicians. "We wouldn't call it an all-star band but it's a five-star result of their collective experience from various bands. And sometimes it takes a while until the right musicians are coming together and find the perfect chemistry. Jukka, Heikki and Daniel already played together in the last NORTHER lineup until 2012. Since then, they went different ways but always crossed each other's paths, and finally came back together as CROWNSHIFT with the addition of the amazing vocal talent of Tommy Tuovinen from MYGRAIN. "Their music is, of course, rooted in the very unique style of Finnish melodic death metal, but CROWNSHIFT enrich it with their admiration for Devin Townsend, both his raging STRAPPING YOUNG LAD era, as well as the epic prog side, and combine it with a timeless yet modern heaviness similar to the most impressive aspects of metalcore and bands such as KILLSWITCH ENGAGE. Sounds ambitious? Yes, but that's what it' s all about: being ambitious. Welcome CROWNSHIFT!" CROWNSHIFT recently joined the roster of Till Dawn They Count Ltd management (NIGHTWISH, BEAST IN BLACK, SONATA ARCTICA). CROWNSHIFT is: Tommy Tuovinen: Vocals Daniel Freyberg: Guitar, Backing Vocals Jukka Koskinen: Bass Heikki Saari: Drums
  18. Tomorrow Floor is back on stage in Amsterdam, first show since the end of the Human Nature tour. She mentioned that her sister Irene will be on stage with her, I wonder if there's anything from Ayreon on the setlist? 😮 Also, the second solo album is already in the works, I wonder how much songwriting will be Floor's this time?
  19. Quick update, a few days ago Kai mentioned that Troy has finished recording vocals, mixing has started already, and again that the album will be hEAvY! 💀
  20. Well Kai mentioned today on FB that he's on his way to the studio where Troy will be recording his vocals. I guess this means somewhere in Finland?
  21. Fugazi


    Is there? They sort of hinted during their show in Montreal that they would be back in 2024, but I'm looking forward an official statement and the actual dates! 🤘
  22. This will be the first time Nightwish record anything in Sweden, except perhaps for Floor's vocals in the finale of Shoemaker. To think that the album is almost in final form, except for some tweaking! 😮
  23. This announcement may also be on of interest to some: https://www.facebook.com/bestezangerslive/posts/pfbid0UzSDw5XLgPExyPTR653NLCAiZ1BmEZPHBVLozy6Ax3QdQkWQ1628tuJF2LXf7y72l https://bestezangerslive.nl/
  24. More from Marko: a new collaboration with (formerly) cover band Exit Eden, now releasing original material! The first original release is 'Run' and Marko is featured on vocals and in the video. Amanda Somerville has just left the band, but they're moving on as a trio now.
  25. Fresh news! Thankfully, everything seems to be fine with both Floor and the baby.
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