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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Quote of the day, about her solo career: "The fact that I can do it doesn't mean that I have to do it. It has to be fun, it has to be good, it has to coexist." Quote of the day #2: "There's no need for concern at all. I could never leave Nightwish." 🤘 This was a nice interview!
  2. Exciting plans! I'm curious, are there any meet-and-greets organized in NYC and MD? No such thing in Lowell, but they just announced this:
  3. A new interview is premiering now on Chaoszine, I'll post some highlights when I'm able to watch it.
  4. Yes, we'll make sure she is richly rewarded for her recruitment skills! 😉
  5. A little Helsinki behind-the-scenes video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_7ZryKz_dQ
  6. 😄 They're obviously stalking us. 👀
  7. Their Facebook page has the same content as their Twitter feed, and nothing else. They created a second page, the "Official Nightwish Fan Group" for fan interaction but that place is completely dead now.
  8. I have an auto-translated video of Floor's segment of the show. It's stowed here to keep it somewhat private given the tight copyright enforcement around this show.
  9. I'm not much of a gamer, is Mario Kart a valid answer? 😅 I ditched the old Wii for a Nintendo Switch, but I'm not playing any online games right now -- I'm spending way too much time on my computer already! 🤢 Did you really go back to FF4?? Anything before Final Fantasy 6 must be painful to play today... Reminds me of the old pixelated D&D and Pirates games I used to play a long time ago!
  10. Weekly German TV show featuring Floor
  11. In other news, Floor is planning more solo shows during the breaks in the NW tour. 👀 https://metropool.nl/agenda/floor-jansen-hertme-2022 Metropool Open Air (Hertme NL) on September 3, 2022 -- this would be between the European festivals and the South American leg of the NW tour.
  12. If you're wrecked and sore, it means that you had an amazing time! 🤘🔥 Better just admit it, was it you yelling "TUOMAS YOU'RE A GENIUS -- I LOVE YOUUUU!!!" before the start of Ghost Love Score in Helsinki? 😁😋 Looks like you met lots of like-minded fans, I'm sure the vibe at a Nightwish show must be electric over there! That's why I wish to be able one day to see them in Finland -- or in South America, but I'd be afraid of being trampled to death. 😆 Thanks for sharing your report! 👍 Looking forward to next week even more! Hey Jim, welcome to the forums! 😀 Small venues for huge bands is great, it's not the same light-and-sound experience as in European arenas but the intimacy is a fine trade-off. Where did you see them before?
  13. Floor is on right now, I don't speak German but if I manage to record the thing I'll post it for you to watch later. The audio is already available on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O9Ed6F-Mp4 Edit: And all the original videos are available here, no need to record anything! https://www.vox.de/cms/sendungen/sing-meinen-song-das-tauschkonzert.html Direct link to Floor's song: https://vodvmsusoaws-cf.rtl.de/proxy1111/vms/world-626267f56882aa38c9791b12-59e5c1cca2ea50610467a2a2-vod-progressive--ded73b43.ism/video.mp4 The original artist's video (Clueso): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsSykefVU9o Wow, the original song is very slow and melancholic. Floor really dialed it up to 11. 😮
  14. Details and discussion here.
  15. Floor had one, Mika Jussila has one too -- "for sales in excess of 10,000 & 20,000 units in Finland". (from https://www.facebook.com/mikamastering/posts/4804718589636892)
  16. Amazing, tell us all about it when you recover! 😄
  17. If anyone is looking for a way to watch German TV tomorrow for Sing Meine Song, this might work: VOX live stream: https://www.2ix2.com/vox/ There are probably other options as well. I'm not sure what time is the show though, and it's only available live as far as I know.
  18. Fugazi


    I'd like to see Epica in Montreal in October, but I'm not into Sabaton all that much. I was impressed with the work Epica put into Omega Alive, and they seem like nice people. I need to listen to some Sabaton to make up my mind. Probably their latest concert setlist would be a good place to start. 🤔
  19. Fugazi

    Johanna Kurkela

    So this is what it's about: Not Johanna's first collaboration with Elastinen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AsCuLYLZiU
  20. You're welcome! It's also available as a YouTube playlist if anyone wishes to go back to a specific gig. The setlist in Helsinki was the same as Tampere, here are the videos I could gather (to be updated): Noise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUeH8SNZ0xI Planet Hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgZN8Zdzkjk Tribal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpBnAalIGHg Élan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH9pOHxfDZ4 Storytime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS0jjJ_Sv4A She Is My Sin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjKBDHHXBUQ Harvest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo6N0Q1RuUw 7 Days to the Wolves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRnhTIf0Feg Dark Chest of Wonders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlwtGk8gWwE I Want My Tears Back Ever Dream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMjXgNU1da8 Nemo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0ut-7f-HPY How's The Heart (acoustic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td5o2dV15Gg Shoemaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4JRgYfgXGU Last Ride of the Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ-9NeNRaQI Ghost Love Score https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-47ZJyj3kPo The Greatest Show on Earth Ad Astra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QsEdVza57E Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaX-JP-lohRXnoHYgr-p8_OdR2XisBh0F Between How's The Heart and Shoemaker, Floor thanks the crowd and the crew for Human :||: Nature going platinum in Finland, she had the award on stage. Edit: Now that I've watched all the videos, wow! The energy is definitely there, you can tell they're happy to play again! 🔥
  21. It's probably one of the reasons why artists don't appreciate fans recording every performance... It's so easy to be critical of sub-par recordings on the internet, and analyze every little voice crack... While in reality, these are things one hardly notices in the heat of the show, and I'm sure everyone attending had a memorable evening nonetheless. 🙂
  22. The same German interview about Sing Meinen Song was picked up by other media. So nothing new here, but I picked a few quotes. Floor Jansen: She didn't even know the other "Swap Concert" participants April 23, 2022 by Elisa Eberle https://www-prisma-de.translate.goog/news/stars/Sing-meinen-Song-2022-Floor-Jansen-kannte-die-anderen-gar-nicht,38153129?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Some highlights: The biggest problem was the language. It wasn't just about singing the lyrics well, I also had to understand the story being told. Setting the songs to music a bit heavier wasn't that difficult, thanks to the band that is on "Sing mein Song". However, it took me a while to find my own style as the songs were all pop songs. But now I love all the songs I got to sing on the show. When they asked me if I would like to take part in "Sing meine Song" and if I could speak German, I immediately answered "yes" to both questions. It was only afterwards that I remembered: "Shit, I can't speak any German!" I live in Sweden and have been learning Swedish for five or six years. At the moment I speak even more Swedish than Dutch or English. That's why I had to really work hard for "Sing meine Song" to learn German within a few months. When we were in South Africa, I heard and spoke a lot of German, so every day it got a little bit better. We [Nightwish band members] had almost no contact at all. We didn't speak to each other. [🤔] Well I'm different. I'm a woman and I'm Dutch, so I thought: Okay! Then I focused on my solo career. I did a lot of social media and wrote new music. With Nightwish we organized a virtual show in which we were transported into a fantasy world via a green screen. That was wonderful, but only lasted a few days. So I'm all the happier to slowly start again and to see my Finnish brothers more again.
  23. Planet Hell is the only Nightwish song on Tarja's setlist for the current tour. I found this recording from last week in Rio de Janeiro, for old time's sake.
  24. Well done! From the YouTube videos, it looks to me like the energy was high despite this being a first show in months and Floor being ill. I find it amazing how she can perform these long exhausting sets, I'd probably be in bed moaning and whinging if I were her! 😆 Hope she's feeling better today, although 2 days is a short time to fully recover from flu.
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