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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. I just got this book, it would appear it's also written by Mape Ollila the early biographer. It's a nice compact-sized book and the printing is sharp. Now I'll let you know if there's anything new content-wise.
  2. Tough questions, I'll give it a try tonight! 👍
  3. The last time Anette and Nightwish would be seen together... 9 years ago. Here's a playlist of the available recordings from that show. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaX-JP-lohRURetk__lNoYXyydFe4jVaS
  4. Did we mention this guy before? Mike Nagoda, he actually says things about the songs. A rare breed. 😉 Song Of Myself (look for his other NW reactions here)
  5. It's been 9 years! The "Denver Debacle", or probably the "Denver Miracle" would be a better descriptive. Here's what can be found on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH33rNy33iU This video I have posted before, it includes snippets from the "Please Learn The Setlist in 48 Hours" documentary, an interview with Elize and Alyssa, and plenty of live material from that unique show. Other sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFT9w0Aw1UU (Nemo, The Mug Of Brown Ale, Over The Hills And Far Away) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPpHhGXWj7E (Storytime) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUFqaJyzSVU (Storytime, Wish I had An Angel, Amaranth, I Want My Tears Back, The Islander, Nemo, The Mug Of Brown Ale, Over The Hills And Far Away) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyK1zNHItlM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3TIh1LjyzI (Rest Calm) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXZ9sLX-Xf4 (Amaranth) The setlist: (setlist.fm) *no recording found Storytime (Elize-Alyssa) Wish I had An Angel (Elize) Amaranth (long version) (Elize) Scaretale (Elize?)* I Want My Tears Back (Elize) The Islander (Marko, no backing vocals) Finlandia* Last Of The Wilds Planet Hell (Elize?)* Rest Calm (Marko) Nemo (Elize) The Mug Of Brown Ale (aww moment) (tap dancing) Over The Hills And Far Away (Elize)
  6. Ok I have gone and added the live albums to the poll. Let's see what we have: From Wishes To Eternity (photo by Marcello Rossi): The regular album cover is a distorted picture of the band, stage and audience during the actual show at Tampere in December 2000. It's a simple concept but I like it, the colours are great and I just think it works. On my DVD cover the picture is cropped and doesn't look quite as good but still ok. But I do want to mention the German release with basically the same crowd and stage picture, now with a photoshopped fiery mountain backdrop. I think it's even better! They will recycle the concept on Showtime, Storytime, but more about that later. End Of Innocence (design by ?): Again, two different designs. The main release is plain and dark, probably like Tuomas' mood during the tour. The German release is using some of the (Century Child) album art to create a more interesting design. Neither are among my favourites. End Of An Era (artwork by Toxic Angel): This is a great artwork, using colours and materials calling back to the "Once" album cover. It's also symbolic of the great schism between Tarja and Tuomas/the band. The presence of a very cartoonish breaking heart seems to imply (rightly or wrongly) that there was LOVE between the two. 😮 Made In Hong Kong (artwork by Toxic Angel, original owl design by Thomba Mähänen): I looove the angry owl design, so this one is among my favourites. A road case is of course appropriate for a live album, I just wish that the band actually started using the logo on their cases, which they never did to my knowledge. Until it returned in the Nevski promotional material the owl was never used much beyond the Made In Hong Kong release. Who is this Thomba guy anyway, I want to send him all my money! Showtime, Storytime (artwork by Toxic Angel): This is my absolute favourite from the live albums! Not only because it's a nice blend of a live picture with a fantastical background (like on the alternate FWTE cover!) but also because it's the only live album cover art where we actually see the band! The decision to feature the band was probably strategic. This album featured a new singer, so they had to promote the new line-up, and perhaps reach out to fans who abandoned the band after Tarja left. But since the switch happened mid-tour, they also had to warn buyers that Anette wasn't singing on it, and thereby avoid any disappointment-complaints-requests for refunds-etc. That's my take on it, anyway! Vehicle Of Spirit (artwork by Toxic Angel): Following "Showtime, Storytime", this cover design is a disappointment IMO. I'm looking at my album and it doesn't look half as bright as the picture here, it's dark and it's full of text and I can understand the concept they went for but the result is underwhelming. Decades Live (artwork by Toxic Angel): I like the purple stellar clouds, I'm happy with the return of the owl. I can get behind this. Not a mind-blowing cover but it's not shocking either. Have you got a favourite live album cover?
  7. I do like the purple waterfalls... It adds a mysterious element and it shows the artist has actually read the lyrics! 😁
  8. Another interview with Tuomas about Auri, this time in the French digital magazine Vecteur, freely available here: http://online.flipbuilder.com/nsda/cehz/ If there's any interest I can translate the highlights.
  9. I found what I was looking for...
  10. Well the Ilokivi thing was for only a few weeks in February 1998, perhaps there had been a problem at Lutakko and a few shows had to be moved at the last minute? 🤔 Appropriately enough, the Ilokivi site mentions that "many nationally and internationally renowned performing artists have started their careers on the stage of Ilokivi." 😁 https://www.ilokivi.fi/en/about-us/
  11. Exciting updates! 🤣 Thanks for the highlights, obviously I couldn't understand that much. 👍
  12. Floor was on Dutch TV today, starting at 17:45. https://www.npostart.nl/40-jaar-tv-show/26-09-2021/AT_300003322
  13. The biography appendix lists the show as happening at Lutakko, and there's even a mention of the band not getting proper rooms and being offered "mouldy couches downstairs at the Lutakko club". Mind you, it doesn't say they actually played at Lutakko but there's no mention of Ilokivi anywhere.
  14. Imaginaerum would be my second choice, next to Wishmaster. It has great artwork inside and out.
  15. According to the Lutakko web page, the June 23 2002 gig in Lutakko actually took place on June 20, therefore before the Himos Festival. Since it was a warm-up show, it makes sense for it to be the first of the tour, but can anyone confirm the date? Edit: The June 23 date appears to have been mentioned here as well: https://www.palasokeri.com/forum/1944/all/#1949
  16. According to the Lutakko web page, there would have been a previously unknown Nightwish gig at Lutakko (Jyväskylä) on January 18 1999, a few days before the Lista show. Does anyone know anything about this?
  17. According to the Lutakko web page, the Feb 27 1998 gig took place at the Ilokivi venue. @Ocean Soul Do you happen to know what is the difference between Lutakko and Ilokivi?
  18. Fugazi

    Eye Of Melian

    I found a few more details about Eye Of Melian at: https://arrowlordsofmetal.nl/launch-of-eye-of-melian-music-project/ They mention the following (emphasis mine): Metal is a small world! So Troy and Johanna will reunite again on this album. And Leah is a Canadian (folk metal) singer that has has collaborated with Delain members before. Now, I know I'm reaching but could Leah become the next voice of Delain? She doesn't do tours though, so it might be impractical. 😐
  19. Here's a belated train-of-thought review while I'm listening to the album in full for the first time. Those We Don't Speak Of: Definitely gloomier-quirkier than I would have expected for this album, given the singles we heard so far. I think this one was written by Johanna? It's a track borne by her voice, as the instruments are minimalist and in a support role. We can hear a bit of Troy harmonizing towards the end. The Valley: This one I already knew and loved. The only thing I would change is the accordion plug-in that doesn't sound much like the real thing... This song is deceptively simple, yet builds up very nicely with the help of strings and keys. I dare say it's built like a Nightwish song. The Duty Of Dust: Musically this reminds me for some reason of Night 13 from the previous album. It's a song that takes it time, but the payoff is nice harmonies with Troy and a great folkish instrumental interlude. Pearl Diving: The first single, and probably still my favourite on this album. I like the way the song is building steam, Troy's backing vocals, his guitar playing, and Johanna is truly amazing. And Troy wrote the song, give the man more credit! Kiss The Mountain: Third single, I find the song soothing but not one I feel the need to hear again and again. Nothing wrong with it though. Light And Flood: Written by Troy, a melodic instrumental with strings, keys, whistles, percussion and even some choirs. Nicely done. It Takes Me Places: This one could easily have been a Tori Amos song, and I mean it as a compliment. But it has a very dynamic bridge section that could only have been written by Tuomas. The Long Walk: A slow, solemn marching piece that gradually gets heavier and reminds me somewhat of The Eyes Of Sharbat Ghula. Scattered To The Four Winds: A string and whistle-led piece that also has a marching rhythm but is a bit more light and folky than The Long Walk. I quite like the mix of Johanna's and Troy's voices towards the end. Fireside Bard: Troy's impression of Leonard Cohen! I'm left wondering if he can really sing this low on a live stage. Anyway, the contrast of his deep voice and Johanna's light voice works well. All in all a satisfying album IMO. Not many instant hits, but a collection of well-crafted pleasant songs that are unmistakably Auri without aping the first album.
  20. I agree with you there, Tuomas is confident enough to explore all the aspects of the human being, dark or bright, physical or spiritual. Then like with every piece of art, everyone is free to find their own meanings.
  21. Have you got a favourite Nightwish album cover? I'm only including the studio albums/EP for now, but later we can discuss the live albums/compilations/singles if you would like to. Angels Fall First (photo by Garry Black): I don't know who chose the image or where the inspiration came from, but I like the image, the simplicity of the cover and the colours. Not sure it brings Finland to my mind, but there's the idea of nature that is present on the album tracks (Lappi...) To me it evokes a warm summer night, with the glow of the setting sun or of a bonfire, like on the night when Tuomas first imagined Nightwish in 1996. Yeah, good cover. Oceanborn (artwork by Maria Sandell): While the AFF cover was clean and simple, this is something else! It reminds me of old progressive rock album covers, full of mystical imagery and weird settings. It's replete with the iconic Nightwish imagery that will endure, like the night, the moon, the ocean, the owl, the Earth, death (or birth?)... It's a somewhat naive painting, but nevertheless appealing. The vibrant colours are great too. Wishmaster (artwork by Markus Mayer): I love the deep red colours, and compared to Oceanborn while the symbolism is still present it's a more balanced picture. Once again it's human vs wilderness, only in a different setting. The face in the clouds is a nice touch and will keep people talking for the next 50 years (by the way, it it a man or a woman?) Also I think that the letter next to the Dead Boy has been deciphered at some point, what does it say again? I can only read "the child". Over The Hills And Far Away (image by Sami Vänskä, illustration by Tomi Laurén): Certainly my least favourite cover, it definitely looks half-baked and cheap. I don't think it captures the mood of the title song either. There's nothing redeeming about it. Fail. 😋 Century Child (artwork by Markus Mayer): A return to form, although I can't say I like this one as much as the Wishmaster cover. For one thing, there's something terribly off with the waterfalls in the background. The water is not falling vertically, the weird water spray to the right and the dark unrealistic rock face bug me to no end. The foreground details are nice though and I like the purple shades in the water. But for me it's not a memorable album cover. Once (artwork by Markus Mayer): I'm not sure what to think about this one. Odd color choices, poor contrast... it's no wonder Roadrunner in the USA had the cover redone (in blue, and they removed the round frame thing). I mean, I like the angel but I'm not sure I understand the layout, so maybe I'm missing something. Dark Passion Play (artwork by Janne & Gina Pitkänen): A pendulum slicing sheet music above a dark ocean is strange to say the least, but the result is dark, dynamic and intriguing so I guess it works. It's also the start of a trend of dark-coloured album covers. Imaginaerum (artwork by Janne & Gina Pitkänen): This is definitely one of the nicer ones, evoking mystery, fantasy and horror while perfectly fitting the theme of the album. Endless Forms Most Beautiful (artwork by Janne & Gina Pitkänen): This must have involved so much work, yet I find the end result a little... underwhelming? There's so much crammed into this picture yet after all those years I couldn't name one single thing from memory except perhaps for the DNA strand. I don't know, for an album that is a celebration of life the cover is perhaps too dark and serious and computer-generated. But I acknowledge the immense effort put into this. Human Nature (artwork by ToxicAngel and RavnHeart -- aka Janne & Gina Pitkänen): I'm happy for a return to simpler artwork and warmer colours on this album. Nothing too fancy but it's easy on the eye and different enough from their previous album covers. So which one do I like best? I'd say Wishmaster but others are close behind. Which is your favourite? Vote in the poll and let me know!
  22. I'm sure there's a lot to say about Nightwish and religion, but we know Tuomas came out with Troy saying that he's openly secular. There is religious imagery aplenty in his lyrics but I'm sure it's just another way for Tuomas to express strong emotions without him actually adhering to most of the concepts behind the imagery. Anyway, I think this is pretty far removed from the discussion Lacuna Coil, so I'm moving the discussion to a separate topic! 😉
  23. That Amsterdam concert is a great recording, it's perhaps the only 2002 complete show recording I can think of. 🤘 Maybe there's a Moscow one too, it's all detailed here. As for the Taubertal show, it's unfortunately not complete but I don't know of a source for a complete video recording. This is the show that's been released as an extra on the remastered edition of Once, so we do have a complete setlist.
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