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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Tuomas did mention today in a FAQ video on YouTube that nothing is happening until the end of June, and that he has no clue yet about what will happen to cancelled shows. This means South America, Russia and the first European gigs are not going to happen on schedule.
  2. ... 6 November 2012 The Future Of Nightwish | Metal Hammer
  3. Here's Floor's biography as she first appeared on the official Nightwish website in October 2012 as a "Guest musician on the Imaginaerum World Tour 2012-2013", together with Troy. https://web.archive.org/web/20121101023924/http://nightwish.com/en/band/members?id=6 Biography This tall "Flying Dutch" lady was born in a small village in The Netherlands in 1981. Music became a passion after a high school musical. I also discovered my father's guitar. Unused for years it fascinated me (and later on he picked up music again as well). He taught me some chords and I started writing simple songs. Playing guitar was never my thing though; I only played it so I could sing. Same with the piano I learned to play many years later. Writing and singing is my passion still, a lust in life and the red thread throughout my whole career. I started young, released my debut album with my band After Forever when I was only 18 years old. Many albums followed, many shows and tours. I studied music and vocals for 6 years and started teaching as well. I joined many great artists on stage and on their albums. Today I can already look back on a great musical lifetime. Next to music the love for nature, arts, books and good wines and whiskeys made my life a very complete one. With major highlights and intense downs. With love and laughter and bitter grief. I would not be here without the love and support of many great people around me. For a super complete, into every detail biography about me (and much more): please go to www.floorjansen.com TOP 5 Albums 1. After Forever, After Forever 2. Addicted, Devin Townsend 3. Blackbird, Alter Brigde 4. The Panic Broadcast, Soilwork 5. Ceremonials, Florence and the Machines Songs 1. Ghost Love Score, Nightwish 2. Home, Depeche Mode 3. Because of you, Skunk Anansie 4. Sonne, Rammstein 5. Kill Me With Silence, ReVamp Misc. interests My dogs, walks in the woods, reading, working out Hobbies Horseback riding, working out, reading Movies Pan's Labyrinth, Stardust, The Dark Night, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Shrek. Books Anything from Clive Barker, The Dark Tower series, Tess Gerritsen books. Drinks Red wine, Islay single malt whiskey, beer, buttermilk, tea. Food Oven made pies, anything with cheese, nuts and veggies. Steaks, pancakes, French cheese, fruit. Life philosophy "Live in the here and now and enjoy every minute of it! Carpe diem!" Equipment Shure 87C, Sensaphonic in ear plugs, shure in ear system, make up and kick ass show clothes 🙂 Links Personal website ReVamp
  4. 13 Oct 2012 Fourth blog: Nightwish USA tour https://web.archive.org/web/20121018000215/http://floorjansen.com/blog/fourth-blog-nightwish-usa-tour Dear reader, Hello to you from our night liner! We are driving to our show in Fort Lauderdale. If I look outside I see nothing but beautiful green water lands. I tried to spot an alligator…did see some deer and the most amazing birds! Last time I wrote was in Oklahoma City. Days fly by so fast I cannot believe we are about to do the last two shows of this USA tour already! In a weird way the show on Tuesday seems ages ago, and yesterday at the same time. Coming here feels the same. Time is like the Dali clocks, liquid, relentless. But memories are timeless and fortunately I have beautiful ones to share with you. I just wish words could describe them better! How can I tell you how amazing the show in Oklahoma was? Or in Austin? Or in New Orleans? There is something special about every show. A unique night, a magical ride that always ends too soon! And with a unique audience. Hundreds of wonderful people at the meet&greets every day. Thousands of sweating and rocking bodies; getting just as high on the music as we do. We played ‘Ghost Love Score’ twice now. My favorite song! Goosebumps on my entire body every time I sing, “My fall will be for you”. Tears came to my eyes the second time we played it. First time I was thinking a bit more. Second time I only had to feel. Again, words are failing on me to describe the real emotion I had. But I have hope that the people who were that in New Orleans that night felt it too. Back in Austin we went shopping at Congress Avenue. A street full of antique shops and other rare and funny stores. Lovely to be in places that sell stuff you cannot find anywhere else. We had a good time! (see the main picture of me) The next morning we were in New Orleans. Tuomas, Troy and I had breakfast in a sushi restaurant, with a nice Japanese beer…a great start of a great day! We took a stroll through the city afterwards. A unique atmosphere is there in those streets. Beautiful neo colonial houses, bars and restaurants everywhere, the Mississippi, the huge necklaces you that have a ritual of its own, the cigars. I bought one. I never smoke but an occasional (mild) cigar is something I can enjoy. After a super show we left the venue and headed into town. We went to a famous bar that sells absinth… I tried it and it turned out so much nicer than I expected. The cigar and the drink together made me look like a femme fatale haha. We had the most amazing night off together. Really special!!! For now, we have the two last shows coming up. I will miss this!!! But I also look forward to come home! I will go back to ReVamp songwriting because we have a planning to hold on to, album will come in March/April next year!!!!!! On the 4th of November the Nightwish shows continue in the UK. I am super exited to join them on the rest of the World Tour and the summer festivals in 2013!!! With love, Floor Thank you North America! 16.10.2012 https://web.archive.org/web/20121022064614/http://nightwish.com:80/en/news Hi everyone! We've settled down here in Florida for a while to have our vacation. This is what we wanted to tell you after North American tour: Thank you! Good times, intense shows and lots of laughter and love. They'll keep us going for a long time, and there's even more to come. Let's recharge and bring our particular heaven and hell to UK soon! Cheerio! 27 Oct 2012 Last 2 USA shows with Nightwish and coming home https://web.archive.org/web/20121119102343/http://floorjansen.com/blog/last-2-usa-shows-with-nightwish-and-coming-home Dear reader, Yesterday…2,5 weeks ago…I left you in Fort Lauderdale, USA. I was sitting in the nightliner with Nightwish and we were about to have our last 2 shows. It feels like yesterday, it feels like an eternity ago. Back home the world looks different. I had time to reflect, to let all the memories that were created in the US in such an intense period pass by again. But back home there was also work waiting for me. It kind off piled up because I left so suddenly. But let me jump back to Fort Lauderdale with you, or actually; the night before the last 2 shows. We stayed in a hotel in Orlando. Lovely Florida climate; seems far away after the first frost here in the Netherlands today. My boyfriend Erik came over to see me, to see the show and meet everybody on tour. I left in such a hurry he could not join me but it was great he came over the last 2 shows! He came to the hotel and we finally had time to talk about all what happened face to face. The next morning the bus left early to make the drive to Fort Lauderdale. We had time to walk around the city and enjoy the sun. In the afternoon we had a super nice meet&greet and soon the first show he could see. The nerves I had the first shows were gone, the lyrics in my head, the music in my system and heart. The crowd was great and the band had a magical touch that made this show a real kick! Tears in my eyes after ‘Ghost Love Score’ and tears again when we came back into the dressing room. How amazing I felt, again words can’t help me. Just believe me when I tell you I was so extremely happy and proud, blessed and honored, loved and humble. I was so glad I could share this with my boyfriend. Words written in this blog fail on me, but also words on the phone trying to tell how things have been. You need to see it and live it to know… The next day we drove back to Orlando, passing the wetlands again with the alligators and swamps. We arrived at ‘Disney Downtown’ to play the House of Blues there. Surreal to see another band playing when we came in. We were too early apparently. Blues band on stage and people sitting at tables in the venue. Weird! But a good reason to stroll around the ‘town’. The last show, the last ‘ride’ of the tour…I was sad and happy, proud and still surprised it ended so fast. The meet&greet was cold due to the airco (shirt, sweater and jacket on….) but heartwarming thanks to the nice people that came in! The venue was a very beautiful one and the vibe amazing as soon as the crowd came in. We rocked it again with that great magic we created around us. For the last song the charming ladies from Kamelot came on stage and so did their singer Tommi (charming too haha). We sang ‘Last Ride Of The Day’ together and soon the rest of Kamelot joined us and we bowed together as a token of the last show of a very special tour. A special cigar was lit afterwards, and some good single malt whisky shared. The goodbye was good, especially because we will see each other soon again J The trip back home was long and Amsterdam welcomed us with grey skies, rain and a freezing wind. Our house was warm though and seeing my dogs again was so wonderful!!! Traveling is great and I missed it very much! And coming home is never better than after you’ve been away for a while. Small things become extra appreciated. ReVamp was on my agenda first thing in the morning after I slept the first night in my own bed! I worked on some songs and the planning of the second album. News about that will come soon! For the show with Nightwish on the 10th of November in Helsinki I plan to create a special outfit… I am working on this with a very talented Finnish lady I will see this coming week. Can’t tell you more yet but I will update you as soon as I can… I bought a nice photo camera. I hope to be able to share some better pics in the future in this blog J It will travel with me! First trip: Helsinki for the clothes….second trip: the UK for 4 shows with Nightwish. And…Floor t-shirts and girlies plus postcards are made and will be online soon! They are also available at the Nightwish shows! Nightwish updates their website and Troy and me are on it as guest musicians of the Imaginaerum tour! Very cool! Go to http://www.nightwish.com/en/band/members So enough exiting stuff is coming up! I hope you enjoy reading this blog and that you stay tuned for a next round! With love, Floor
  5. Thursday, 11 October 2012 Hi all;=) https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/10/hi-all.html Hi there my dear blog readers;=) Just checking in cause I see so many worry about me and think I am seriously ill, but I am not! I am just fine! Do not worry, I´m healthy and strong. But believe me it took me a while to beat the damn jet-lag again...puh! But now I am in swedish time zone and also my body and brain understands that now;=) Today I want you all to go buy tickets for all the great Pain shows that are coming up to support my dear Johan, Micke, Peter and David, who are having a great autumn filled with gigs;=) First they go to Finland next week, then to UK and then all over Europe! So check the dates and go buy your ticket and send them love (especially Johan) when they are on stage!
  6. Nightwish/Kamelot in Austin: Karevik and Jansen Hit Their Stride The Metal Pigeon, October 11 2012 https://www.themetalpigeon.com/2012/10/11/nightwishkamelot-in-austin-karevik-and-jansen-hit-their-stride/ I figured I’d follow up my previous blog entry about Anette Olzon’s abrupt departure from Nightwish with something a little more positive and music related, namely, a few quick thoughts about the Nightwish/Kamelot performance on October 10th at Emo’s in Austin, Texas. By now forums, Reddit, and a ton of other places online have been filling up with talk of just how Floor Jansen and Tommy Karevik have been handling their new roles respectively as the vocalists of Nightwish and Kamelot. To be accurate, Karevik has had a longer gestation period (going on a few months) as Roy Khan’s official replacement — Jansen has had a scant ten days and seven shows to acclimate herself to her new role and the band’s setlist. Most fans are understanding of this fact, knowing that over time and subsequent performances, she’d get better and find the right vocal approach for each song, but this being the internet, there have been a fair share of grumblers, nit-pickers, and cries for Tarja. I went into Wednesday night’s show with a mind to focus on both Karevik and Jansen in particular and to try to just come away with a honest fan’s take. [...] As for Nightwish, I got the feeling from talking to people in the line outside and in the crowd in the venue that most fans in attendance were pretty much fine with the decision to replace vocalists mid-tour, generally not out of any real malice towards Olzon but just out of the simple satisfaction of being able to see the band live at all. Nightwish has toured the States before, but the tours have been few and far between, and who knows how many years it will be even before the next Nightwish album is out. The fact that the tour wasn’t canceled was seen as something of a miracle by those who were aware of the details of the band’s recent situation. As far as thoughts about the new vocalist… I saw a few After Forever shirts out there, but got the impression that most people didn’t know all that much about Floor Jansen. So I’ll go out on a limb here and say something blunt that might bite me in the ass later down the line: I think Nightwish have found their permanent vocalist. If its not Floor Jansen, then they might as well just openly state that they’ll be using a rotating cast of female singers from this point onwards. She was not only surprisingly great, but there were stunningly amazing moments such as on “Ever Dream” where she delivered the song’s chorus in its true to original spirit of ever increasing high notes. I looked over to the right side of the stage during those moments to see Nightwish guitarist Emppu Vuorinen grinning in reaction in what appeared to be genuine surprise. Jansen was recovering from a cold during the first few shows of this tour but she said in a recent online posting that she’s now able to belt everything out at her full capacity. It certainly sounded that way. The biggest surprise of the night was an airing of the “Once” album cut and fan favorite “Ghost Love Score”, which hadn’t been played since 2009. Interestingly enough my view was somewhat blocked at this point by longtime Nightwish manager Ewo Pohjola who quietly slipped into the audience to watch the band try its first attempt at performing this song with Jansen. They pulled it off, as well as the rest of the largely Imaginaerum based set list. The only moment that could be pointed out for possibly losing the crowd was “Slow Love Slow”, which works incredibly well on the album with all its moody subtleties, but doesn’t seem to translate as well live. My only other gripe would have to be the morphing of “Nemo” into an acoustic rendition, as opposed to the full dramatic flair of the original. With a singer that good, you should let her open up on your biggest hit — just saying.
  7. 06 Oct 2012 Second blog: Nightwish tour USA Dear reader, I am writing to you from our backstage in a venue called 'The Grove' in Anaheim. I will go back to where I left you at the last blog, in San Francisco. In my last words I was hoping to see something of the city. There was no time for this for me though. Fully consumed by all the new things, saving all my energy for the show. My cold was nasty as well so I focused on the show, and the show only! It was a great one!!! The venue was beautiful and gave the magical Nightwish show and extra glance with its theatrical look. This was the third show and for me things were getting easier (even though I did miss some words here and there 🙂 The fun in the backstage was superb as well, just a great and magical night all the way through!!! We had a day off after this one and we spend it in LA. We had a great bbq with our dear promoter John and some of the guys had some energy left to go to the famous Rainbow Bar. I went back to my hotel room for a nice long sleep to fight the cold and to get all my reserves back to go for the next round of three shows! Today we are in Anaheim, right next to Disneyland! We took a taxi to Disney Downtown and enjoyed the sun, the stores and the ‘world within a world’ there for a little while. Right now I’ll be preparing myself for a second meet and great and of course, the show tonight! I look forward to it!!! With love, Floor From <https://web.archive.org/web/20121008231941/http://floorjansen.com/blog/second-blog-nightwish-tour-usa> 10 Oct 2012 Third tour: Nightwish tour USA Dear reader, A big hello from Oklahoma City! Another backstage moment, and actually again, I am writing right before the meet & great we’ll have today! I left you in Anaheim. We had a nice meet & great there. So wonderful to see people really welcome me into the band! We do one every night now and it’s great for me to meet loyal Nightwish fans who are happy to see me and thank me for stepping in. I feel loved!!! Also behind the scenes I meet the most wonderful people! We played Higher Than Hope after I met the mother and sister of the man whom this song is about. They came to the show in Anaheim and when they were also there the day after in San Diego, we played it for them. Emotional rollercoaster, but so beautiful! Music is emotion and to be able to sing these songs live is just something special, I can’t put this into words really… My cold is almost gone and hasn’t been bothering me when I sing anymore. I can now belt out the notes and vary in dynamics and vocal styles. The songs scream for that! It feels so good! This is picture taken at the meet&greet in the Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City: From <https://web.archive.org/web/20121105010007/http://floorjansen.com/blog/third-tour-nightwish-tour-usa>
  8. Update regarding the US tour VIP tickets 04.10.2012 https://web.archive.org/web/20121006102530/http://nightwish.com/en/news Dear people and fans! As a way to thank you for sticking with Nightwish, we've decided to add more VIP meet & greet occasions for the rest of the US tour. This means that for every tour date till the end of the US tour there will be a limited amount of VIP tickets available. This also applies to the already earlier sold out meet & greet events, which now have additional VIP tickets on sale People with normal tickets have now a possibility to upgrade to VIP tickets. As said: We're grateful for the faith you've shown to us. We're grateful for the two brilliant shows with Floor at the helm already. And we're grateful for the chance to continue this tour for us all! Thank You! ...and this is who we are now! 05.10.2012 https://web.archive.org/web/20121006102530/http://nightwish.com/en/news First band photo with Floor Jansen, taken in Portland on October 2, 2012.
  9. NIGHTWISH Touring Musician On Band's Split With Anette Olzon - "It Was Really, Really For The Best... Believe Me" October 4, 2012 On October 1st, NIGHTWISH officially parted ways with vocalist Anette Olzon, citing personal differences. The band has since announced the addition of substitute vocalist Floor Jansen from The Netherlands (ex-AFTER FOREVER, REVAMP), who will help the band complete their current Imaginaerum world tour. Multi-instrumentalist and NIGHTWISH touring musician Troy Donockley (pictured at left), has posted the following update from Nightwish's current North American tour: "'Keep Calm and Carry On....'. Oh yes indeedy. These were the famous words written on "morale boosting" posters by the British government at the beginning of WW2. Now, I am not for one moment suggesting that the first half of our US tour has been like the outbreak of the war, but those words are pretty bloody pertinent! Oh how we love touring the states. It's trite to say that the fans here are so brilliant (they are of course) because the fans are brilliant EVERYWHERE. But they have been particularly lovely to us; especially in light of the recent explosive events. Yes, a split with the singer Anette occurred but it was really, really for the best. Believe me. The joy of this adventure was being wrecked and everyone was feeling very insecure... It was seriously interfering with our tasting sessions of the fine wines from the Napa Valley. Outrageous! I mean, we never could have predicted that myself and Tuomas would find ourselves on stage, alone, asking an audience of over 1,600 in Denver to vote by a show of hands on whether the band should perform or not. Touchingly we were met by a sea of upraised hands; beautiful but how surreal. Anyway, we have fully embraced the slogan from that heroic old poster, and we are all feeling a squillion times better. Our replacement singer Floor is simply majestic and we are having fearless fun. And on evidence of the ecstatic response to the last two shows, the fans seem to understand that this "vehicle of spirit" cannot be derailed so easily." From <http://bravewords.com/news/nightwish-touring-musician-on-bands-split-with-anette-olzon-it-was-really-really-for-the-best-believe-me>
  10. FLOOR JANSEN Interview about her joining NIGHTWISH On Tour In November Translated interview about Floor being the new singer. I'll translate the whole video for you guys over here, so you can understand it a little bit. http://omroep.vara.nl/media/187096 Giel: Today is the day that will go into the history books as the day of the official gig of Nightwish with our Floor Jansen. I have to explain this one. You know her of After Forever, or maybe you don't. I can let you hear something because they've had a gig here too and right now she's in ReVamp. I don't know if you can call that 'Gothic' nowadays and you also have Nightwish, something atmospheric. *Starts Nightwish* From one to the other moment the singer of Nightwish has left the band. A lot going on over there, some disagreements about the future with Anette Olzon. So, they called Floor Jansen and she already had her first gig with them and she's almost going up stage for the second one, but I am going to call her right now. She's in Portland where's she has the gig. Wait a second. *Phone is ringing* He Floor! You're talking to Giel, from the radio. Good morning. Floor: Yes, good evening! Haha. Giel: Oh Floor, nice to hear your voice. I thought yesterday 'I'm so proud that I know you, Floor.' Floor: Really? What nice. It's a madhouse over here. Giel: I can understand that. Where are you right now because it's sounds like you're in a cave? Floor: I'm in the dressing room, to be honest. *Blablabla, can't here what she's saying because she is mumbles, but it'll not be that important.* Big music hall, beautiful music hall in Portland, USA. Giel: Floor, can you tell me how you heard it? When did you heard about it? Floor: Saturday morning I've got a text with the message 'How fast can you come to the USA?' So I packed everything as a idiot and booked a ticket for the first plane and practised. They've asked me earlier to go on stage with them, what would've been in November/December/January. Giel: Oh, ok. I already thought 'You don't know the songs?' but you were already busy with that. Floor: I've been a little bit busy with it for only one week, but some things changed and in no time, so yeah. I really had a few days and a rehearsal of two hours and text in front of me. Giel: And how reacted the public? They came for Nightwish and when they came up they had another lead singer. Floor: Uh.. Yes, that really was exciting. Really awesome to see how people react really positive. There were people with signs with my name on it and nothing to find but positive reaction on social media. Giel: What funny! And right now you're in a rollercoaster that won't stop soon, because how does your schedule look right now? Floor: I'll be with them in the USA for the next two weeks and in the beginning of November they have some shows in the UK and they've made a movie which will come out on November 23, and will be in premiere on November 10 with the same title as their album Imaginaerum. A really big show, so that's awesome. And a tour in Australia and New Zealand in January. Giel: You're saying 'them' but you can say 'we'. How is it to be with the band? Floor: The nice thing is that I already know them for ten years and we've toured with them during After Forever, so we've stayed in contact ever since. They are really nice guys. The only thing to get used to is the Finnish language because they're all Finnish. So if they talk to each other I really don't know what they're saying. Giel: God, oh, god. Floor: It's really special that this can be something beautiful. A dream comes true. Giel: Well there you are and I think that I can expect that you are going to the studio with them in the future, to record the next album? Floor: There's nothing said about that so.. Giel: Yeah.. Floor: Right now it's just to replace Anette temporary. I only know that right know It is really awesome and I'm going to enjoy of this every minute and we'll see what the future brings us. This will be the most important part of the whole interview. Other stuff is going about ReVamp etc. From <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ts8ZPeRea0
  11. FLOOR JANSEN Says She Was Already Preparing To Join NIGHTWISH On Tour In November October 4, 2012 New NIGHTWISH touring singer Floor Jansen has revealed that she was originally asked to join the band for their upcoming dates in November, December and January but that plans changed over the weekend following the sudden departure of Anette Olzon in the middle of the group's North American tour. During an October 2 interview with the "Giel Beelen" show on the Dutch radio station 3FM, Floor said, "Saturday morning [September 29] I got a text message saying, 'How fast can you come to the USA?' So I packed everything as quickly as I could and booked a ticket for the first plane and practiced the songs. They had already previously asked me to join them on the road for the dates in November, December and January, [so] I had been preparing for it a little bit for only one week. And since those plans changed [over the weekend], I ended up only having a few days to get ready and a rehearsal of two hours with [the songs'] lyrics in front of me." Jansen, who called the opportunity to sing for NIGHTWISH a "dream come true," also confirmed that she will be on the road with the band through the end of January. Asked if fans can also expect to hear her on NIGHTWISH's next studio album, Floor said, "There has been no discussion about that at this point. Right now, the plans is just for me to be a temporary replacement for Anette. All is I know is that it is really an awesome opportunity for me and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it and we'll see what the future brings." In announcing the sudden singer switch on Monday (October 1), NIGHTWISH said, "In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover." They added, "We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone. "We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together." Olzon joined NIGHTWISH in 2007 as the replacement for Tarja Turunen after the latter was fired in 2005. From <https://blabbermouth.net/news/floor-jansen-says-she-was-already-preparing-to-join-nightwish-on-tour-in-november/> See next post for the original Dutch interview with Floor.
  12. Anette Olzon: Turn Out the Lights… the Party’s Over The Metal Pigeon, October 1 2012 https://www.themetalpigeon.com/2012/10/01/anette-olzon-turn-out-the-lights-the-partys-over [...] I suspect that the band’s fans who have kept abreast of the recent 72 hours worth of drama unfolding within the ranks of the symphonic metal giants are in need of some stupid, silly levity right now. There’s a lot of misinformation and ignorant buffonery going on in the comments sections of places like Blabbermouth (surprised?), so here’s a factual breakdown of what happened: – On September 28th in Denver, Nightwish was due to play at the Ogden Theater with supporting band Kamelot. The night before the show, Olzon became violently ill, and she went to the hospital the following morning. Doctors suspected it was a kidney stone and after five hours released Olzon with painkillers. At 7pm she began vomiting heavily along with a fever, and upon notifying the hospital she was told to go to the ER immediately. She did, and the band was now faced with the unenviable position of having to possibly cancel the show until it was agreed upon that Kamelot’s backing vocalists Alissa White-Gluz and Elize Ryd (of The Agonist and Amaranthe respectively) would attempt to fill in cooperatively, clutching lyric sheets in hand. The band went out on stage and explained the situation to the crowd, and asked the audience if they would be up to seeing this last-minute, unique performance attempted, as well as giving them the option of getting a full refund at the door. The word is that only seven people got a refund and judging from personal testimonies and the fan filmed YouTube videos of the show, a large audience stayed to watch and participate in the show. – On the night of September 29th, Olzon played what is presumably her last show with the band at The Complex in Salt Lake City. The next day, September 30th, Olzon expressed on her official blog that she was unhappy with the band’s decision to go on with the show and that she was not asked for her opinion on the matter. She continued on to say, “And you know, this is just music. Like life, sometimes we get ill and shows do get cancelled. Rihanna wouldn’t ask Britney Spears to sing for her if she was ill“. This morning on October 1st, Nightwish and Olzon released what appears to be a joint statement explaining the decision to part ways and continue the tour with ex-After Forever vocalist Floor Jansen as their touring fill-in singer, promising that no shows would be cancelled. Okay, so with the facts laid out, here’s two immediate things to take away from this: One — That getting a European based vocalist such as Floor Jansen to come in to rather suddenly be the Nightwish touring vocalist for the October 1st show in Seattle, WA is no mere twenty-four hour task. This must have been in the works for at the very least many days to possibly weeks now — because think on it, you’re counting on time for work visas, travel arrangements, travel time, and obviously, enough time for Jansen to be familiar with at sixteen to seventeen songs in the setlist. Things like that do not happen overnight. Olzon’s last show was on September 29th — so the fact that they’re apparently going to pull this off is either incredibly impressive or downright miraculous. Two — That after what they’ve been through with Turunen, Nightwish don’t play around — if you’re not a team player, you’re out. And you know what? I completely understand and support their mentality. I have been, since her induction into the band, a strong Olzon supporter. I think that the pair of albums created with her on board have been the band’s finest, in particular Imaginaerum, and I felt that her lack of an operatic voice such as Turunen’s was what allowed the band to blossom musically and take on an equally prominent role alongside the vocals. The music got better, more interesting, the songwriting more diverse, and Olzon’s pop informed vocal approach was a less overwhelming presence, at least to my ears. That being said, it was easy to see that there were some cracks developing in her relationship with Nightwish. For starters there was her durability on long tours, she was prone to illness, exhaustion, and the band had to deal with the consequences of those things. Then in 2009, she decided upon getting her own manager — an inexplicable move that was widely speculated upon, and one could guess made the rest of the band have a touch of deja vu. The band seemed to soldier on through all these things but lets fast forward to the present day, and the aftermath of Olzon airing dirty laundry on her blog and publicly questioning a decision that was in large part voted upon by fans of the band in attendance that night in Denver. Now Olzon not only comes across as placing herself before the band, but putting herself above the desires of the fans as well. Nightwish’s parting with Turunen seemed to be a traumatic period for both parties involved, judging from interviews taken around that time, and in particular band leader Tuomas Holopainen took the brunt of abuse from disgruntled fans. The band’s greater success from that point onwards was an admirable triumph, and something not won easily. Its hard to discern how far in advance the decision to part ways with Olzon was made, but clearly her comments were regarded by the band as being out of turn and the final contrary straw to the unity they originally wanted with her. As a fan with a financial interest in their current tour (I’m seeing them live in Austin, Texas on October 10th), I feel solidarity with the fans in Denver who had to make the best of a bad situation, as well as the band who alongside the rather brave efforts of both Kamelot backing vocalists all stepped up and did the best they could for the fans. Olzon’s comparison to Rihanna being replaced by Britney Spears is a pretty huge red flag for, well everyone really — this is a metal show we’re talking about, not a pop concert, and when it comes to live metal shows its all about the fans. I’m looking forward to seeing the guys live in Austin in nine days and really amped up about the excellent Floor Jansen being on board for the rest of the tour. Here’s hoping they keep her on as the permanent vocalist. And kudos to the band for their commitment to their fans by not canceling a single show in the midst of a tour where they part ways with their singer, its beyond admirable. I know I’m only one guy, but they’ve got my support in full. The party is over for Olzon, perhaps to her quiet relief, but for Nightwish, its game on starting in Seattle — don’t cue Don Meredith yet! Rhonda Wirth October 3, 2012 Metal Pigeon, I just got home from the Portland show and I wanted you to know that Floor nailed it! Every lyric, every note, every melody was spot on. Amazing for 24 hours notice I think. The band was in rare form. Tuomas appeared tense at first but visibly relaxed when the crowd responded in a powerful and positive way. He also went through a bottle of wine so I’m sure that helped. Jukka grinned through the whole show. Marco and Emppu put on one helluva show for the fans and were very interactive with the crowd. They all seemed genuinely surprised by the enthusiasm they received. Floor seemed visibly touched when she took a moment to give a heartfelt thank you to the crowd for being so welcoming. Marco was much more central to the show this time which I really enjoyed. And the pipes! Oh my God they were amazing! Honestly it almost felt like nothing had just happened. Floor meshes with the band extremely well, like she’d always been there. I cant wait to hear your experience in Houston when they’ve got more shows under there belt together. From <http://www.themetalpigeon.com/2012/10/01/anette-olzon-turn-out-the-lights-the-partys-over/#comment-537>
  13. 03 Oct 2012 My first days on tour with Nightwish Dear reader, I am writing to you sitting here in the tour bus with Nightwish! We are heading to San Fransisco. The sun is shining bright here and the scenery is beautiful. I am trying to find words to describe how I feel but it’s impossible to really cover it. I am on a high! What do you do when Nightwish asks you to join them on tour? Stay calm and say, well OK….? Or does your heart start beating twice as fast instantly, hands start to sweat and your mouth is unwilling to pronounce words like “that sounds amazing”. I guess I don’t need to tell what happened to me J The time to prepare was scarily short…I packed my bags and left and printed the lyrics into my head all the way over from Amsterdam to America. 15 hours of airplane later I arrived with a jetlag, a full head and the most happy feeling ever. The next day I jumped on board on this bus and the adventure truly began. I was welcomed into the group as an old friend and I felt great instantly. It is now 10 years ago I joined Nighwish on tour with After Forever as their support act. We stayed in touch ever since and that made the whole situation so much easier and smooth. The day of the first show we also did a long soundcheck to rehearse the songs. That was the only possibility… You cannot imagine how nervous I was before that first show started!!! Next to nerves my voice was battered by a cold due to all the travels, lack of sleep and airco’s. The intro started…..I ran on stage….and all nerves were gone! The music and the guys took me in and so did the audience. What an experience! The excitement lasted the entire show, and way after. When I went to my tour bus bed that night I still had a smile on my face. I felt so happy and satisfied I fell asleep instantly. The next morning I woke up, ahum afternoon….in Portland. Show number 2 was there already. So were the first online reactions and the massive amount of press that responded to the news. You must be living under a stone if the news didn’t reach you yet J I even did an interview with the Dutch radio, standing outside the venue in my stage outfit. With a 9 hour time difference… My cold got worse and the doctor had to give me some power supplies to help me. Thank goodness for that, they helped instantly and the second show was an amazing blast. The Crystal Hall in Portland is a beautiful venue and the atmosphere extraordinary! Again the audience welcomed me warmly! I am so grateful!!! Today we’ll play in San Fransisco (see the pic)! I always wanted to see this city so I hope there is some time (and energy) left for this! I will keep writing to you. And for those who came to the show: thank you for your support!!! Love, Floor From <https://web.archive.org/web/20130101193555/http://floorjansen.com/blog/my-first-days-on-tour-with-nightwish>
  14. @thatgreatheart: I had an opportunity at the Seattle show to speak with someone who had a conversation with Marco earlier that morning. The issues with Anette had been going on for months. She was having severe problems with stress, anxiety and lacked focus. She was worried about her children, being away from home and was really not getting along with the rest of the band. Speculation is that her hospitalization may have been due to a panic attack, rather than an illness. Anette leaving the band was a mutual decision, in order to preserve the integrity of the band and to protect Anette's health and well-being. It was very bittersweet to arrive at the venue only to learn that Anette had been fired the night before. That's why I was so impressed with the show that Floor and the band were able to perform, considering the circumstances. From <http://www.nightwishonline.com/index.php?/forums/topic/640-imaginaerum-world-tour-2012-2013/&page=78> Note: This comment was saved from the Official Nightwish Forum, unfortunately I don't know the name of the poster nor is it now possible to retrieve the full thread. Of course, being a second-hand report on a fan forum, take it for what it is.
  15. #108: Floor Jansen, Nightwish – Towards The Unknown Toni Keränen (Inferno) 18 Jun 2013 https://www.inferno.fi/108-floor-jansen-nightwish-kohti-tuntematonta-17391/ On monday October 1. the band had a sound check in Seattle. At the same time it was the first and only rehearsal for the new lineup. --- We played the whole set. I had a flu already when I left home and on top of that I had jetlag and sleep debt. My voice was half gone, I could sing but not with full force. It turned out that I can do the show and the rest of the tour. After the show the atmosphere were incredible, we did it! --- My feelings during those first days were a mixture of horror and enthusiasm. Something like this happens once in a lifetime so it was a chance that had to be taken. If you truly believe in something you can do incredible things. --- What gave me extra strength was the knowledge that out of all people in the world the band had chosen me to the job. It's an incredible honor to fly from other side of the world to do something like that. I didn't want to let down such a trust.
  16. It's Official: NIGHTWISH Parts Ways With Singer ANETTE OLZON October 1, 2012 Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH have issued the following statement: "Another chapter of the NIGHTWISH story has ended today. NIGHTWISH and [singer] Anette Olzon have decided to part company, in mutual understanding, for the good of all parties involved. "In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover. "NIGHTWISH has no intention of canceling any upcoming shows, and as a result we have decided to bring in a substitute vocalist starting in Seattle on October 1. Her name is Floor Jansen (ex-AFTER FOREVER, REVAMP) from the Netherlands, and she has graciously stepped in to help us complete the 'Imaginaerum' world tour. "We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone. "We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together." KAMELOT backing singers Elize Ryd (also of AMARANTHE) and Alissa White-Gluz (also of THE AGONIST) stepped in for Anette this past Friday night (September 28) at the Ogden Theatre in Denver, Colorado because Olzon was suffering from fever and vomiting and was forced to spend the night at a local hospital. The rest of NIGHTWISH stated about their decision to use stand-in vocalists for the gig, "We were in hell [on Friday]. [The] show [was] about to be canceled... But nobody gave up an inch. With the help from the ladies Elize and Alissa from KAMELOT, we actually managed to pull of a relaxed and great show! The crowd doing the mass karaoke with the band playing was absolutely amazing. We were humbled and grateful at the same time. This is unity and help from friends and fans." Writing on her official blog, Olzon voiced her displeasure over the fact that NIGHTWISH played a concert without her, stating, "I was never asked if it was OK they used Elize and Alissa in the show [Friday] night. I don't think it's a good decision they made and I'm sorry for those of you who came to see the whole band but got something else. But I was very ill and this decision wasn't mine.' She continued in a separate posting, "This is just music. Like life, sometimes we get ill and shows do get canceled. Rihanna wouldn't ask Britney Spears to sing for her if she was ill." She concluded, "To think a show is more important than the humans in the band is, for me, so totally not in this world." Photos of Friday night's concert can be seen at this location (courtesy of Brandon Marshall). Olzon rejoined NIGHTWISH on stage this past Saturday night (September 29) at The Complex in Salt Lake City, Utah. She wrote on her blog after the concert, "Sorry for not being in top form, but I did my best at least." Olzon joined NIGHTWISH in 2007 as the replacement for Tarja Turunen after the latter was fired in 2005. https://blabbermouth.herokuapp.com/news/it-s-official-nightwish-parts-ways-with-singer-anette-olzon/
  17. 1 October 2012 Press Statement 01.10.2012 https://web.archive.org/web/20121006102530/http://nightwish.com/en/news Another chapter of the Nightwish story has ended today. Nightwish and Anette Olzon have decided to part company, in mutual understanding, for the good of all parties involved. In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover. Nightwish has no intention of cancelling any upcoming shows, and as a result we have decided to bring in a substitute vocalist starting in Seattle 1.10.2012. Her name is Floor Jansen from The Netherlands (ex-After Forever, ReVamp), and she has graciously stepped in to help us complete the Imaginaerum world tour. We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone. We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together. - NIGHTWISH & Anette Olzon Monday, 1 October 2012 Press statement https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/10/press-statement.html [Beside repeating the joint statement, Anette added this note:] Dear blog readers: With this I say farewell to you and this blog. This blog was a way for me, as the singer in NW, to keep more in touch with you NW fans. Now when this chapter has ended, there is no more need for me to do this blog and from today I close it. I want to thank you all for being my readers for so many years, for your loving support and I wish you all a happy and healthy life! Stay kind to others and live life easy! Lots of love, Anette Olzon (from now on just Anette Olsson;=) Tuesday, 2 October 2012 Monday, 1 October 2012* Just want to say thank you... https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/10/just-want-to-say-thank-you.html ...to all of you wonderful people who have written me so kind and warming words today. I have cried reading them and believe me, I will be back again, but I need a little time out before I decide how and where I will blog or show myself again;=) I don't know if it will be this blog or a brand new one but I will let you know, I promise! I got sad when so many of you got so sad I would stop blogging so I will think about it. But believe me- I love you all and never think I don't care about you cause I do! Lots of love to you all and strength and honor! * Keep in mind that some dates are slightly off in Anette's blog and other posts for this period, probably because of events happening in the USA in different time zones than what the band member computers/web sites are normally set to in Europe.
  18. Sunday, 30 September 2012 In the middle of.. ...nowhere at the moment:-) Resting in a hotel room, trying to get better. Today no voice and still no hearing on my right ear. Hope some more sleep will take this flu from hell away! Tomorrow my loved ones arrive and thank God for that! Enjoy your day! From <https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/09/in-middle-of.html> Monday, 1 October 2012 Sunday, 30 September 2012* Well hi:-) Finally some antibiotics to cure me! I got strong medicines and will be well soon;-) I must say I like the American health care. Very furrow and professionals! Thank u for all the help getting me better;-) Now some sleep- the best medicine! Enjoy the evening and be nice to each other;-) From <https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/10/well-hi.html> We know that Anette was touring in her own bus separate from the rest of the band. From her blog posts, it would appear that she didn't travel from Salt Lake City to Seattle but got some hotel rest instead that day. It would imply that she already knew she wouldn't be singing in Seattle the next day, but didn't mention it in her blog, waiting for the official announcement. * Keep in mind that some dates are slightly off in Anette's blog and other posts for this period, probably because of events happening in the USA in different time zones than what the band member computers/web sites are normally set to in Europe.
  19. 30 September 2012 #108: Floor Jansen, Nightwish – Towards The Unknown Toni Keränen (Inferno) 18 Jun 2013 https://www.inferno.fi/108-floor-jansen-nightwish-kohti-tuntematonta-17391/ Floor arrived to Salt Lake City between saturday and sunday night, a few hours after when Anette had performed her last show with Nightwish. --- I arrived at 1.00 AM and I was picked up to the hotel. The situation was awkward. We were in the same hotel with Anette but given the circumstances us meeting would have not been smart. --- I didn't sleep at all that night, I was totally nerve-wrecked. Of course members of the band were extremely stressed-out too so the tension on our bus trip from Salt Lake City to Seattle were huge. However it gave me some time to adapt to the situation.
  20. Tonight's show at The Complex, Salt Lake City! 30.09.2012 29.09.2012* Hi everybodyyy! We just finished soundcheck with Anette at The Complex, Salt Lake City. The voice is just splendid again! Welcome rockers! From <https://web.archive.org/web/20121006102530/http://nightwish.com/en/news> Sunday, 30 September 2012 Saturday, 29 September 2012* This flu... ...sucks! I have NO hearing in my right ear now so I hope my dear monitor guy Aksu can give me some extra volume tonight;=) Soundcheck felt ok, I do have a very bad throat, but as you all know, during DPP tour I sang with almost no voice many times so I am sure it will be quite ok. Either way I do it for you all;=) Thanks for your support! And you know, this is just music. Like life, sometimes we get ill and shows do get cancelled. Rihanna wouldn't ask Britney Spears to sing for her if she was ill;=) To think a show is more important than the humans in the band is for me, so totally not in this world. See you all from the stage soon! From <https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/09/this-flu.html> All Aboard the Rollercoaster Stainless (Marko Hietala, 2017) "As if by magic, Anette was right as rain for the next gig in Salt Lake City, but this see-sawing couldn't go on--we'd passed the point of no return in Denver. We asked Floor, who was in Holland at the time, if she'd be interested in singing with us in three days--and she was. [...] While we drafted a public announcement with Anette that would announce she would be leaving Nightwish, our management was behind the scenes arranging for Floor to fly out to the US." Sunday, 30 September 2012 Saturday, 29 September 2012* Thanks salt lake city!!! And sorry for not being in top form but I did my best at least:-) Sleep well and THANKS for your support!! From <https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/09/thanks-salt-lake-city.html> Anette Olzon fired from Nightwish: "The tours were so distressing that I got panic attacks" Me Naiset 19.12.2013 http://web.archive.org/web/20190721224557/https://www.menaiset.fi/artikkeli/joka_paiva/ihmiset/nightwishista_erotettu_anette_olzon_kiertueilla_oli_niin_ahdistavaa "No one from the band visited me while I was in the hospital." "I suggested we cancel shows until I was well enough to return to the road but the boys didn't want to even consider that. Floor Jansen had replaced me before I had recovered." ANETTE OLZON – Careful What You ‘Wish For By Carl Begai 2014-02-02 http://carlbegai.com/2014/02/02/anette-olzon-careful-what-you-wish-for/ “Of course I knew we had our gigs to do, and I was pregnant so it was my own fault, but it was only one small tour that I wanted to push back. I could have done all the other gigs and I didn’t understand why they needed a substitute singer when I wanted to go. Maybe they felt that they wanted to have another singer. I think that’s what they wanted, but they weren’t quite honest about it. I guess when I said no they got frustrated. Maybe when I got ill they saw a way out. Of course, then I got angry when they did what they did and wrote something in my blog. They got pissed off at me, I was pissed at them, and it led to where we are now, I guess.” * Keep in mind that some dates are slightly off in Anette's blog and other posts for this period, probably because of events happening in the USA in different time zones than what the band member computers/web sites are normally set to in Europe.
  21. September 29, 2012 floor_jansen_official ....keep track of me for something amazing is about to happen.... https://www.instagram.com/p/QKYdr4uGsA/ FLOOR JANSEN Says She Was Already Preparing To Join NIGHTWISH On Tour In November October 4 2012 https://blabbermouth.net/news/floor-jansen-says-she-was-already-preparing-to-join-nightwish-on-tour-in-november/ New NIGHTWISH touring singer Floor Jansen has revealed that she was originally asked to join the band for their upcoming dates in November, December and January but that plans changed over the weekend [...] During an October 2 interview with the "Giel Beelen" show on the Dutch radio station 3FM, Floor said, "Saturday morning [September 29] I got a text message saying, 'How fast can you come to the USA?' So I packed everything as quickly as I could and booked a ticket for the first plane and practiced the songs. They had already previously asked me to join them on the road for the dates in November, December and January, I had been preparing for it a little bit for only one week. And since those plans changed, I ended up only having a few days to get ready and a rehearsal of two hours with lyrics in front of me." Scroll down for the full interview. #108: Floor Jansen, Nightwish – Towards The Unknown Toni Keränen (Inferno) 18 Jun 2013 https://www.inferno.fi/108-floor-jansen-nightwish-kohti-tuntematonta-17391/ - A few days later, on the day of the Denver gig, the band contacted me again and said that Anette's departure is completely certain and I was asked to fly to the USA immediately, Floor recalls. - So there I was, sitting on the plane and practicing the songs singing quietly with them. I sat between the two people and trained for hours until I couldn’t take it anymore. I started chatting with a Dutch man sitting next to me and apologized for the inconvenience. The situation was quite strange, like a encounter between two worlds. Later, this man searched for me on social media and congratulated me that everything had gone for the best in the end. Nightwish Interview - Floor (part 1) FaceCulture 5 March 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2nWX8BSWTU "One week later they called -- 'Ok come, now, because our bomb just bursted!' -- and I had no time to prepare at all because I was just thinking about the possibility and didn't even know if I could do it later on so I didn't check any of the songs, there was no need for that! And one week later I was already sitting in an airplane with the texts printed and the music on my headphones trying to memorize it!"
  22. 29 September 2012 Regarding last night's concert... Nightwish.com 29.09.2012 We were in hell today. Vocalist in a hospital. Show about to be cancelled... But nobody gave up an inch. With the help from the ladies Elise and Alyssa from Kamelot we actually managed to pull of a relaxed and great show! The crowd doing the mass karaoke with the band playing was absolutely amazing. We were humbled and grateful at the same time. This is unity and help from friends and fans. Anette is already recovering thanks to the medical staff and whatever powers there exists. The shows will go on. We give our greatest respect to Alyssa, Elise and the crowd in Ogden Theatre, Denver. You rule!!! https://web.archive.org/web/20121006102530/http://nightwish.com/en/news Saturday, 29 September 2012 My dear ones... I am so sorry that I couldn't be on stage yesterday in Denver:-( I got very ill the night before and first went to the ER in the morning and were there for 5 hours before they released me with some painkillers and thought it was a kidney stone. Unfortunately I got worse at 7 in the evening and started vomitting heavily and my fever rised. After talking to the hospital they said I should cancel the show and come straight back in to the ER. I was there all night and I was very dehydrated so they gave me 2 litres of fluid though an IV, they did blood tests, ultrasounds on my kidneys and finally a ct scan. These tests didn't show why I was so ill but probably the stomach pain has a connection with me having the flu or just stress. They did find something else though and for that I'm grateful. If I didn't do the scan I wouldn't know there's a big cyst in my liver and I need to go check it out ASAP at home. I do feel better today but still fever cough and a very soar throat but hopefully I can be on stage tonight, even if it means shorten the set list. Thanks for your time to read this! Enjoy this day! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone From <https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-dear-ones.html> Sunday, 30 September 2012 Saturday, 29 September 2012* And one more thing.. ... I was never asked if it was ok they used Elise and Alica in the show last night. I don't think it's a good decision they made and I'm sorry for those of you who came to see the whole band but got something else. But I was very ill and this decision wasn't mine. Tonight I'll be on stage doing my best despite illness:-) See u in some hours!! From <https://anette-olzon.blogspot.com/2012/09/and-one-more-thing.html> * Keep in mind that some dates are slightly off in Anette's blog and other posts for this period, probably because of events happening in the USA in different time zones than what the band member computers/web sites are normally set to in Europe.
  23. 28 September 2012 All Aboard the Rollercoaster Stainless (Marko Hietala, 2017) "[...] Then in Denver, Colorado, Anette said she was too ill to go on stage. The gig was in an hour and the venue, Ogden Theater, was packed to capacity. What could we do? We decided to ask if our opening act's backing vocalists, Elyze Ryd and Alyssa White-Gluz, could fill in for at least part of the songs. This was pretty desperate, but we didn't want to give our American bookers a reason not to find us future gigs." NIGHTWISH – One Night In Denver With ELIZE RYD: “It Was A Very Magical Atmosphere” By Carl Begai (2013-04-06) https://carlbegai.com/2013/04/06/nightwish-one-night-in-denver-with-elize-ryd-it-was-a-very-magical-atmosphere/ On September 28th, 2012 in Denver, Colorado fans of Finnish bashers Nightwish witnessed something special at the Ogden Theater. So special, in fact, that if everyone who claims they attended the show was actually there the venue would have literally burst at the seams. To recap, now ex-Nightwish vocalist Anette Olzon fell seriously ill prior to the show and was hospitalized. Her bandmates had the difficult task of choosing between cancelling the gig and going ahead with support band Kamelot’s backing vocalists Elize Ryd (Amaranthe) and Alissa White-Gluz (The Agonist) in Olzon’s place. With the audience’s blessing they chose the latter, resulting an unforgettable and historic show. Elize, Alissa and Nightwish were applauded for their efforts by seemingly everyone [...] “It was a very special thing,” Elize says of the night. “I love Nightwish and I’ve sung their songs many times for myself (laughs). When you’re on tour you’re in a little bubble, so you don’t really think too much about what’s happening outside that bubble. They asked me if I would be willing to sing for them that night, and we decided that if the audience agreed it was okay for them that I sing, of course I was going to help Nightwish out so they could do the show. At least with some singing so they wouldn’t have to do it all instrumental.” “It was a little bit like a dream come true for me because I always wanted to sing for Nightwish (laughs). I did audition for them years ago, so to actually be on stage with them was great. And the response from the crowd really helped. I was almost crying on stage because the people were so supportive.” Keeping in mind that Elize and Alissa had almost no time to prepare for the show, they hit the stage for ‘Storytime’ with lyric sheets in hand. Over the course of the night Elize returned to the sheets of paper as required to help her along. Sure, there were some minor gaffs over the course of the gig, but from a purely personal point of view it was a ballsy move for Elize to even attempt the show, never mind read the lyrics. She deserves huge respect for her performance, and judging by fan reactions online I’m not alone in my thinking. “That was odd,” Elize admits with regards to reading the lyrics. “I don’t think that’s ever happened before (laughs). It was really cool, though.” “The day after the show was very weird because I saw posts in the Finnish newspapers and all over the internet, and all the comments on YouTube. I was kind of surprised by just how many positive reactions there were. The crowd could have booed me and thrown stuff at me, but it was a very magical atmosphere that night. I didn’t have much time to think about it. I just went and did it. I like that in general, to take opportunities and just do stuff without thinking too much about it.” More details about this unique Denver show here: Please Learn The Setlist in 48 Hours (Showtime, Storytime; 2013) "Goddammit if I've ever been as afraid as I was two hours ago. Somehow tonight proved that this whole carousel is more than a sum of its parts. Maybe it also proved that the carousel has to run no matter what. [...] Maybe it's not down to just one person, whether vocalist, keyboardist, bassist, drummer or whoever."
  24. 20 September 2012 floor_jansen_official My sister Irene marries her John today!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Pyx32XuGjM/ Nightwish Interview - Floor (part 1) FaceCulture 5 March 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2nWX8BSWTU "It was my sister's wedding day actually, and I got a message from their management if we could talk -- and I was like, yeah, maybe not now! I thought, if it's Nightwish it could be something big because it's such a big band, I had no idea! And I certainly didn't think 'yeah they're going to ask me to sing' but I felt like this is my sister's wedding day and I want to focus on that and do it tomorrow. No problem, I got a message back maybe one hour later 'we just wanted to ask you if you would be available for touring'. Just wanted to ask? Oh ok now I'm gonna come see what it's all about! That was initially for a tour in South America and Australia. They had a pregnant singer who couldn't do those tours so they were just checking if I could do it in order not to cancel the tours because she would be too far in her pregnancy." #108: Floor Jansen, Nightwish – Towards The Unknown Toni Keränen (Inferno) 18 Jun 2013 https://www.inferno.fi/108-floor-jansen-nightwish-kohti-tuntematonta-17391/ - First of all, everything happened in a very short time. The band contacted me with only a few days notice. There were problems with Anette and the band asked if I might be available, Floor says in Helsinki in mid-May 2013. - At first, of course, I was in shock. Could I handle it with such a short preparation? Would I be at all into it at all? Gradually, however, the decision to join began to strengthen. Nightwish sent Floor a list of songs that the singer should take over in no time. - I knew the lyrics and structures of the older songs. However, all the songs on the latest Imaginaerum album were completely unknown to me. And of course there were a lot of them on the set when it came to the record-promoting tour. All in all, I had to learn a set that lasted about a hundred minutes with very challenging stuff. How Nightwish’s Floor Jansen has spent a lifetime silencing the dickheads By Dave Everley (Metal Hammer) January 09, 2019 https://www.loudersound.com/features/floor-jansen-people-dont-get-to-dictate-what-they-want-from-me Floor received the fateful phone call at her sister’s wedding. She knew Tuomas and Nightwish after touring with them a decade earlier in After Forever. She was familiar with their music, too. But not so familiar that she didn’t need a crash course on the journey over. “When they asked me to fly over and do it, I said, ‘Yes, OK, I’ll do it,’” she says. “Was I cocky about it? No. Well, maybe. You need a kind of cockiness to be able to go, ‘Yes, I want to join one of the biggest bands in this genre, and no, I don’t know the setlist yet.’” She arrived to find the band in full-on firefighting mode. Their priority was simply to finish the tour; there was no question of this being an audition for the role of frontwoman.
  25. 19 September 2012 Welcome to the laundry room Nightwish.com 19.12.2013 http://web.archive.org/web/20131229011807/http://nightwish.com:80/fi/news "Anette told the whole band about her pregnancy about a week earlier in Montreal [19 September 2012]. Everyone was in a congratulatory mood, and Anette herself offered the opportunity to hire a vocalist if she couldn’t handle everything agreed upon herself. She later reversed her decision, and the inconvenience really began. The fear of losing money and status seemed obvious." All Aboard the Rollercoaster Stainless (Marko Hietala, 2017) "[...] Once we got to the US, things didn't get any better. Anette started to complain she wasn't feeling well and wanted to skip some gigs, but we were not going to compromise our standing in the US as we had with Tarja. Anette even suggested we get a replacement for our South American and Australian legs of the tour. Fair enough, how about Floor Jansen? But Anette got upset when she heard that, and said she'd stay." ANETTE OLZON – Careful What You ‘Wish For By Carl Begai 2014-02-02 http://carlbegai.com/2014/02/02/anette-olzon-careful-what-you-wish-for/ “I think there were some thing happening that I didn’t know about. It has become clearer to me now that they had some sort of a plan when I told them I was pregnant. I actually think they had some suspicions I was pregnant during the summer festivals, so I think they may have had a back-up plan.” [...] “We had some discussions during the tour in America about how to cover the remaining gigs for the tours that were coming up, and we did have something of an argument before that. I didn’t want to have a substitute singer in the band, I wanted to do the South American shows. I would have been too pregnant to go to Australia so I wanted to push the dates back, but Tuomas didn’t want that. Discussions about a substitute came up and at first I was like ‘Yeah, well…. okay…’ but when they mentioned Floor it was an automatic ‘No’ from me. I didn’t think it was a good idea because I knew what would happen; I knew the fans would love Floor because she’s a metal singer and I’m a pop singer, and I wanted to keep my job. Because I couldn’t do the Australian tour, I think that’s when they started thinking about a new singer. We had a bit of an argument, then I got ill, and after that…. I don’t know if they planned this.” 19 Sep 2012 With MaYan at Progpower USA Dear reader, this weekend [15 September 2012] I joined MaYan on stage at Progpower USA in Altanta, Giorgia. It was only 5 year ago I was there for the first time to headline of the days back in 2007 with After Forever. It was so nice to be back! To get to Atlanta its a 19 hour travel from door to door. It was so nice to arrive at the hotel to find a great room, and hot shower and bed large enough for this tall Dutchy 🙂 On Saturday morning I met with Russell Allen at an all American inn to have some breakfast. We have been friends ever since the Star One tour back in the days and it was nice to catch up and to have someone explain me the menu with some typical American dishes. After that large amount of food it was great to have some time to relax at the pool! A few hours later we went to the venue for our signing session. I put on one of my most summer loving dresses: We spend over an hour signing cd's and posters and making pictures. It was really wonderful to meet so many enthusiastic people who obviously didn't forget me! I also signed a lot ReVamp albums 🙂 I was so proud! I really hope I will be back with ReVamp soon on this great festival!!! The show was great! The audience really listens and bangs along!!! I like how appreciative they are for the technical stuff we bring. Its a lot to process, with its diversity and massive amount of ingredients. But this audience sucked up every note 🙂 I was happy to announce the song 'Drown the Demon'! I asked if some of the people in venue remembered the show with After Forever and I got a loud roar to confirm they did indeed! Thank you for all that energy, it's so good to me!!! One hour later and our show was over....just like that. The adrenaline was pumping through my body but we had to stop. Can't wait for ReVamp to start touring and for more MaYan shows!!! I'm so addicted 🙂 After our show some of the guys who also play in Epica left because of an early start of their tour. I stayed to see Symphony X live again. They're so great and played a lot from their older work. A ride throughout history 🙂 [...] No shows with ReVamp nor with MaYan coming up yet. My focus is on the new album for ReVamp! Finish the songs and start rehearsing them. Can't wait for that!!! I am so ready for the next moves... Thank you for reading my blog! Please stay tuned for more, I will update you with a video blog soon. with love, Floor -XXX- https://web.archive.org/web/20121009055752/http://floorjansen.com/blog/with-mayan-at-progpower-usa From Wikipedia: ProgPower USA XIII took place on September 14–15, 2012 at Center Stage Atlanta in Atlanta, GA. Instead of a Kick-Off and Mid-Week Mayhem, Nightwish and Kamelot performed Wednesday and Thursday night before the festival, September 12–13, 2012.
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